东北红豆杉天然群体内的多态位点比例(P) 为0 .67 ,平均杂合度( He) 为0 .333 ,居群遗传变异型为HT= 0 .444 和Gst = 0 .169 .即总的基因多样性83 .1 % 来自群体内,16 .9 % 来自群体间.取自黑龙江穆棱的群体遗传性远离其他群体,建议加强该群体与其他群体间的基因交流.
There is higher genetic diversity in population and among populations.Proportion of polymorphic site(P)is 0.67,average hetevozygosity(He) is 0.333.Genetic variation type is H T=0.444 and Gst=0.169.There is 83.1% of total genetic diversity in population,and another 16.9% is among populations.The genetic population coming from Heilongjiang Muling is distinct about other population.We suggest that should enhance genetic exchange between the population and other population.
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University