Oscillatory turbulent flow over a flat plate was studied by using large eddy simulation (LES) and Reynolds-average Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. A dynamic subgrid-scale model was employed in LES and Saffman's turbulence model was used in RANS. The flow behaviors were discussed for the accelerating and decelerating phases during the oscillating cycle. The friction force on the wall and its phase shift from laminar to turbulent regime were also investigated for different Reynolds numbers. (Edited author abstract) 11 Refs.
Oscillatory turbulent flow over a flat plate was studied by using large eddy simulation (LES) and Reynolds-average Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. A dynamic subgrid-scale model was employed in LES and Saffman's turbulence model was used in RANS. The flow behaviors were discussed for the accelerating and decelerating phases during the oscillating cycle. The friction force on the wall and its phase shift from laminar to turbulent regime were also investigated for different Reynolds numbers. (Edited author abstract) 11 Refs.
The project supported by the Youngster Funding of Academia Sinica and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China