The output current waveform of the high voltage pulse modulator is an important information needed to control the plasma immersion ion implantation process, monitor the implantation parameters, for example, implantation dose and sheath condition, and to predict the target temperature as well as secondary electron emission. Our simulation results indicate that the total current peaks at the end of rise time of the applied voltage and this means that such data as dose, temperature and so on is perhaps overestimated from the current waveform because our experimental data acquired using a Rogowski coil and digital oscillator shows the highest current at the beginning of the voltage pulse. The discrepancy can be explained by a displacement current that may be attributed to the changing voltage, sheath capacitance, circuit loading effects, and so on. Our analysis of the current waveform in plasma immersion ion implantation process is accomplished through theoretical simulation and experiments.
0 INTRODUCTIONIonimplantationusingplasmaimmersionionimplantation(PIII)isapromisingalternativetoconventionalbeamlineionimpla...