
Design and analysis of MAC protocol for wireless ATM network 被引量:2

Design and analysis of MAC protocol for wireless ATM network
摘要 Presents the new design of a reservation based medium access protocol,dynamic frame packet reservation multiple access (DF PRMA), for wireless ATM environments its mathematic model built, and analysis of such performance as delay and channel throughput its adaptbility to the fluctuation of traffic by controlling frame length dynamically and guarantee delay performance by forced collision and special reservarion slot. Thereby providing a limited access delay and QoS level and maintaining a resonable high channel throughput. Presents the new design of a reservation based medium access protocol,dynamic frame packet reservation multiple access (DF PRMA), for wireless ATM environments its mathematic model built, and analysis of such performance as delay and channel throughput its adaptbility to the fluctuation of traffic by controlling frame length dynamically and guarantee delay performance by forced collision and special reservarion slot. Thereby providing a limited access delay and QoS level and maintaining a resonable high channel throughput.
出处 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2000年第4期42-46,共5页 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版)
关键词 MAC protocol WIRELESS ATM DELAY channel THROUGHPUT MAC protocol wireless ATM delay channel throughput
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