本文报道了用新城疫疫苗 (抗原 )与新城疫抗血清制备的新城疫疫苗 (抗原 )—抗体复合物诱导鸡的免疫应答反应试验。结果为 1日龄和 7日龄鸡接种新城疫灭活疫苗 (抗原 )—抗体复合物 (IV -Ab -C)和新城疫活疫苗 (抗原 )—抗体复合物 (V -Ab -C)后血凝抑制 (HI)抗体效价都很低 (3log2以下 ) ,但加强免疫一次后HI抗体效价迅速升高 ,达到 4log2以上。 1日龄接种新城疫病毒IV -Ab -C 2 8d后强毒攻击保护率达 91.6 7%— 10 0 %。以上结果表明 ,新城疫疫苗 (抗原 )—抗体复合物不能诱导 1日龄和
It was studied that Newcastle Disease Vaccine(antigen)-antibody complex induces the immunized response in chicken. The titer of the antibodies in the tested chicken immunized with the complex at first day and seventh day were very low,but the protection rate after challenge with virulent NDV was 91.67%(group I)and l00%(group Ⅱ) respective1y 28 days after immunization. The results showed that ND vaccine (antigen)-antibody complexes can't induce high humoral immune response.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University:Social Science Edition