以姿态角传递对准为基础,开辟了神经网络应用于传递对准的全新思路,应用 hopfield 网络解决了传递对准问题,在姿态角传递对准的基础上,设计了能量函数,把传递对准问题转化为hopfield 网络求稳定状态的问题。通过计算机仿真,验证了方法的快速性和有效性。
A new approach based on hopfietd neural network is developed in this paper to solve the problem of transfer alignment used on air-to-air missiles,according to the tradional K.F attitude metching transfer alignment methods,a kind of energy function is proposed.Dynamic optimization techniques are used to develop the on-line adaptation laws for modifying the weights and biases of this network.When the net reaches its stationary poin,the value of the system state will be the estimated error which we want.Simulation results show that this methods is fast and efficient.
Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance