CRM是Customer Relationship Man- agement的简称,由国外传入,从银行、保险、电信等拥有庞大客户规模的企业开始,渗透到航空、汽车、房地产、家电、IT等各个行业、各个领域。目前在纺织服装企业中,CRM无论是从概念传播还是实际应用来讲都还较少。这当中有行业自身的特点、有企业意识的问题,也有缺乏针对性的软件等原因。
For those enterprises who concentrate on R&D and brand development,the key point of implementation of CRM is usually lie in the maintenance,development and man- agement of their distributors and agents.And the work can also be expended to the management of the relationship between suppliers and other business partners,taking OEM or advertising companies as examples. For such enterprises,their distributors are hundreds at most in amount and the staffs of the enterprises that nec- essarily have access to the CRM are very few.Therefore, those enterprises don't need a large-sized CRM system. The main function of the CRM system they need will cen- tralize in information sharing,sales management,service management(complaint management),and contract man- agement etc.