During the design process, multipacting effect has been taken into consideration using a 2D simulation code MultiPac and all of the corners are rounded to suppress the multipacting effect in the pill-box cavity. However, unexpected multipacting effect prevents the increase of the input power when the magnetic field of focusing coils is added after adequate conditioning and a novel method is adopted to suppress it by introducing extra coils to counteract the field. This paper focuses on the simulation of multipacting effect in different magnetic field configurations. The experimental observations and simulation results of multipacting effect are presented and details of the multipacting process are also analyzed.
During the design process, multipacting effect has been taken into consideration using a 2D simulation code MultiPac and all of the corners are rounded to suppress the multipacting effect in the pill-box cavity. However, unexpected multipacting effect prevents the increase of the input power when the magnetic field of focusing coils is added after adequate conditioning and a novel method is adopted to suppress it by introducing extra coils to counteract the field. This paper focuses on the simulation of multipacting effect in different magnetic field configurations. The experimental observations and simulation results of multipacting effect are presented and details of the multipacting process are also analyzed.
Supported by SSRF Project