

Size Distribution Calculating Model of CaO Inclusion in Liquid Steel
摘要 根据实际生产条件,用FactSageTM计算确定了钢液中[O]平衡和[Ca]平衡分别为5.00×10-4和1.23×10-3.以此为基础,在0~100s用夹杂物生成模型进行计算,发现夹杂物粒度大多数在5μm以内,100s时总数达1.31×1015个/m3.100~1000s时用夹杂物去除模型计算,发现经吹氩搅拌后,夹杂物粒度分布变均匀,范围扩大,而总数减少为3.07×1012个/m3.计算结果和实测结果吻合,因此本模型可信. Based on production conditions, using the FactSageTM Thermodynamic software, the balance figures of Ca-O in 1873 K were calculated, [O]balance=5×10-4, and [Ca]balance=1.23×10-3. According to the balance value, during 0~100 s, using a nucleation and growth model of inclusion, it was found that the size of most inclusion was less than 5 μm. At 100 s, the total number of CaO inclusion was 1.31×1015 items/m3. During 100~1000 s, using the removal model of inclusion, it was found that the size distribution of CaO inclusion was enlarged and more even. At 1000 s, the total number of CaO inclusion was 3.07×1012 items/m3. The calculating result was larger than the experimental measurements. So the model needed to be developed in the future.
作者 金焱 毕学工
出处 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期304-307,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
关键词 夹杂物 粒度分布 数学模型 inclusion size distribution mathematical model
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