3[1]IMO(1995) Performance standards for electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS),IMO Resolution A.817(19).International Maritime Organization,London. 被引量:1
4[2]International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(1986) Consolidated text of 1974 SOLAS Convention,the 1978 SOLAS Protocol,the 1981 and 1983 SOLAS Amendments.International Maritime Organization,London. 被引量:1
5[3]IHO(1996) IHO Specification for Chart Content and Display of ECDIS,IHO Special Publication No.52 (IHO S-52),4th ed.Monaco. 被引量:1
6[4]IHO(1996) IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data,IHO Special Publication No.57 (IHO S-57),3rd ed.Monaco. 被引量:1
7[5]IEC 61174:Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment systems-Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS)-Operational and performance requirements,methods of testing,and required test results.International Electrotechnical Commission,Geneva. 被引量:1
8[6]IMO.Draft recommendation on performance standards for an universal shipborne automatic identification system (AIS).IMO Safety of Navigation Sub-committee Report NAV43/WP.2,Annex 2,IMO London. 被引量:1
9[7]U.S.Coast Guard Research and Development Center(1996).Electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) test and evaluation - summary report.Report No.CG-D-20-97 被引量:1
10[8]Offshore Systems Ltd(1997) Canadian electronic chart pilot project - final report.Vancouver,BC. 被引量:1