Abstract The study of Africa's traditional culture and modernization consists of two aspects: one is the study of the question of modernization and development of contemporary Black Africa from the angle of traditional culture, the other is the study of the traditional culture of Black Africa by using the theory and methology on cultural changes while proposing that more attention be paid to the question of cultural changes in the study. The two aspects will both promote the development of African studies, as they are liable to expand the vision and space of the study, and deepen the cognition on these questions. However, in the course of the study, it is necessary to adopt a cautious and appropriate approach, especially keeping in mind that neither over-exaggeration be made of the constrains and impact of Black Africa's traditional culture on Black Africa's reality, nor a simple conclusion be drawn that the present changes in Black Africas' culture implies the change or giving-up of its individual character and special features.
West Asia and Africa