语音学研究语音的发生、声学性质与感知,音系学研究语音的模式;两者都是研究人的语音的,照理说,在研究中本应进行密切的配合与合作。但实际上,直到不久之前,情况并非如此。 自从19世纪末期音系学从语音学中分离出来,并逐渐形成一个独立学科之后,它与语音学在各方面差别越来越大。
Since the separation of phonology from phonetics, the two disciplines have largely developed independently. Though great advances have been made in each field, the substantial divergence in terminology and research methods among other things, as well as an undercurrent of prejudice between the two have prevented them from co-operating in their research and proved to be harmful to work in both fields. Recently there has been a growing tendency of rapprochement and more and more co-operation between phonetics and phonology. This paper surveys some of the heartening facts embodying this tendency and points out some aspects in which phonetics and phonology can benefit from each other.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research