6R. Kent Newmyer, Jdan Marshall and the Hemic Age of the Superme Court,State University Press,2001. 被引量:1
7David Robarge,A Chief Justioe's Progress:John Marshall from Revolutionary Virginia to the Supreme Court,Greemwood Press,2000. 被引量:1
8See Henry J. Abraham, The Judicial Pricess:An Introductory Analysis of the Courts of the United States,England ,and France,7th ed.Oxford University Press,1998,pp,152-154. 被引量:1
9See Henry J.Abraham,Tbc Judicial Process .John Usrshall from Revolutionary Virginia to the Supreme Court,Greenwood Press,2000,pp,54-55. 被引量:1
10See Stewart Macaulay,Non-Contractual Relations Relations in Business:A Preliminary Study,American Sociery Review 55(1963). 被引量:1