

On Later Modernization Philosophy of Aviation Cultural Strategy
摘要 民航行业文化战略从长期、整体上考虑文化观,并对民航企业文化进行关照和施以影响,其本质是哲学思维的问题。后现代主义哲学对现代性缺憾的揭示,为民航行业文化战略发展提供了思维方式的重要启迪,对于把握民航强国目标的进程是极有价值的思维观。旨在从后现代哲学视角分析传统的非此即彼、二元分立的现代性思维局限,对未来民航行业文化战略的发展进行辨证思考。 The Civil Trade Culture Strategy (CTCS) should, from a long term point of view and on an all-aspects consideration basis, take into acount the cultural nature and background of the civil aviation enterprises.The fundamental character of the CTCS is of a philosophical nature.It is a revelation of the drawbacks of the post-modern philosophy.The Strategy gives insight into the development of ways of thinking, eliminating the so called 'either this or that' philosophy,and is valuable as a dialectic way of thinking for aviation enterprises in their pursuance to a development strategy of the civil aviation industry.
作者 王凤云
出处 《中国民航学院学报》 2004年第4期48-51,56,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
基金 中国民航总局教学研究基金项目(02-3-15)
关键词 民航行业文化 战略 后现代哲学 civil aviation trade culture strategy later modernization philosophy
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