The present paper makes a study of the evolution of the combination manner of ri- tual bronzes in the period of the Yin Ruins culture on the basis of the more than 140 unrobbed Yin tombs with relatively complete combinations of funeral objects excavated in the Anyang area.It comes to the conclusion that during Phases Ⅰ—Ⅳ of the culture there prevailed the'combination lying stress on wine vessels'with the gu cup and jue tripod cup as the core,though difference in this aspect existed between the large tomb and the small one.The large tome is characterized not only by the wide variety of fu- neral objects,but also by the indistinction of change from the early to the late period in the combination of ritual articles,the proportion between some article types and the presence of formal variation within each of the essential types,which reflects the con- servatism of the high-and middle-rank aristocracy.The small tomb features the limited number of article types and the rapid change of their combination,especially in the late period when new combinations emerged one after another,implying that the petty aris- tocracy(and,probably,some rich common people)dared to break old ritual tradition and make innovations. When did Yin people at Anyang begin to make bronzes exclusively for funeral use? Scholars believed that the funeralization of bronze weapons and that of ritual bronzes began in the Yin Ruins second and third phases respectively.In the present paper,the former is antedated to Phase I,while the latter to Phase Ⅱ. The cause of the general funeralization of mortuary articles in the late Yin period was related,on one hand,to the status and wealth of the tomb-owner.Funeralized ob- jects first prevailed in small tombs due to the fact that lead was cheaper than tin and petty aristocrats(and common people)were unable to get expensive ritual bronzes of quality for burial with the deceased and so replaced them with cheaper articles made specially for funeral use.On the other hand,at the end of the Yin period,bronzes
Acta Archaeologica Sinica