The Shuiquan site lies about 16 km northeast to the seat of Jiaxian County,Henan Province,upon a high terrace on the southern bank of the Lanhe River flowing through the area southeast of Shuiquan Village.Its cultural deposits belong to the Peiligang cu- lture and fall into three phases. Phase Ⅰ comprises 17 pits and a few artifacts represented by the double-eared potte- ry pot. Phase Ⅱ embraces 27 pits and 120 tombs.The tombs are arranged regularly and point to the west and east,the dead lying in an extended supine position.There are three tombs of joint burial,of which Tomb 31 contains two human skeletons piled upon each other,a peculiar phenomenon discovered for the first time in the Peiligang culture. Stone sickles,spades and querns constitute the representative implements of production. A considerable variation is detected in pottery type,especially in the shape of the dou- ble-eared pot;the ring-foot bowl and pot,trileg pot and double-eared jar make their first appearance. Phase Ⅲ includes 39 pits and 2 ruined pottery-making kilns.The pottery is widely varied in shape,which is distinctly shown by the bowl with a contracted mouth and the double-eared pot carinate at the shoulder or on the belly;among the new vessel types are the deep-bellied basin,tripod jar and hornlike-handled jar. Regarding the age of the site,two charcoal samples from pits of the late phase are radiocarbon-dated to 7270±120 BP (5320±120BC) and 7160±110 BP (5210±110BC) respectively.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica