肝内外胆管结石的发病率在国内达到4.1~51.6%,此病产生的各种并发症严重危害着病人的生命和健康。临床工作者多年来进行了卓有成效的研究,但对其病因和发病机理的认识尚未获得统一。我们对24例肝内外胆管结石病和7例非结石胆道疾患病人的胆石和胆汁中的几种主要成分行定量检测,并通过分析胆汁中有形成分变化与胆红素钙结石形成的关系,以期对胆红素钙结石的病因和机理作进一步探讨。材料和方法 1.对象随机选择临床诊断原发性肝内外胆管结石病人24例,男性11例,女性13例,最大年龄65岁,最小17岁,平均46.3岁。术中取出胆石目测按日本胃肠病学会拟定标准分类。非结石胆道疾患病人7例作为对照,男3例,女4例.平均年龄40.2岁。
Concentration or activity of several ultimal material elements of calculiand bile of clinical twenty-four ases f calcium bilirubinate calculi and sev-en cases of nongallstone biliary disease was determined with biochemical met-hod in laboratory. On operating the bile was collected from commen bile du-ct. Bacteriologic culture positive rate of alcium bilirubinate calculi group(CBG) was 100%, simple E. coli infectious ratio was 52.4%. This ratiois much more han the ratio of nongallstone group (NG). The concentra-tion of cholic acid and phosphatide in CBG is less than that n G; the conc-entration of bilirubin and activity of β-glucuronidase (β-GS) in CBG is morethan that in NG. fter operation the improved condition of these constitue-nts increase or decrease in NG is etter than those in CBG. In bili of BCG,concentration of cholic acid and unconjugated ilirubin UCB) had significantnegative correlationship (r=-0.6327 p<0.05), concentration of cholic cid ndactivity of β-GS had siganificant negative correlationship (r=-0.7893 P<0.01), oncentration of UCB and activity of β-GS had positive correlationship (r=0.6254 p<0.05). it is uggested that bile duct infection, activity of β-GSincrease, UCB volume increase and recipitation, produced UCB-calcium comp-lex or bilirubin multihold constraction, cholic acid olume change could be ult-imate pathogenesis of calcium bilirubinate calculus.
Journal of Clinical Hepatology