采用低温等离子体对聚丙烯SMS复合非织造布进行改性处理,研究了等离子体处理时间、功率及真空度对试样亲水性的影响,并以芯吸高度为指标,优化改性工艺,比较改性前后聚丙烯SMS复合非织造布的强力、透气性及表面形态。结果表明,低温等离子体处理能够明显改善聚丙烯SMS复合非织造布的亲水性能。在真空度30 Pa、功率125 W、处理时间120 s的条件下进行处理,聚丙烯SMS复合非织造布试样的水接触角由处理前的62.3°降至0°,试样断裂强力稍有下降,透气性提高,改性纤维表面有刻蚀现象。
SMS nonwovens was modified by low-temperature plasma .The influences of the vacuum level , power and plasma processing time on hydrophilicity of sample were studied .The optimized parameters were obtained through orthogonal experiments by the wicking height .The breaking strength and air ventilation properties , as well as surface morphology of SMS nonwovena modified and unmodified were compared . It was shown that the hydrophilic property SMS nonwovens modified improved significantly .The contact angles of water on SMS nonwovens modified decreased from 62.3°to 0°under the treating conditions of the vacuum 30 Pa, the power 125 W and the processing time 120 s.The breaking strength decreased a little and air ventilation property improved .The etching effects could be seen on the treated surface by scanning electron microscope .
Technical Textiles