利用泊松方程以及异质结能带理论 ,通过费米能级 -二维电子气浓度的线性近似 ,推导了基于双异质结双平面掺杂的 HEMT器件的电荷控制模型 .计算分析了沟道顶部和底部平面掺杂浓度 ,栅金属与顶部平面掺杂层距离等材料结构尺寸和阈值电压、二维电子气浓度的关系 .该模型为优化和预测双平面掺杂
By using linear E f n s approximation,a new analytical charge control model of the double heterojunction double planar doped high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is deduced based on Poisson's equation.The heterojunction band theories,the relations among the doping concentration,the distance from the gate to the top planar doped plane and the pinchoff voltage,and the 2DEG density of the device are calculated and analyzed.The model provides a valuable tool for the optimization and performance prediction of the double planar doped HEMT.