由唯物辩证的自然观和历史观组成的完整统一的新世界观是由马克思和恩格斯二人共同创立的。这一点,恩格斯在《反杜林论》第二版序言中曾经明确地说过:“马克思和我,可以说是从德国唯心主义哲学中拯救了自觉的辩证法并且把它转为唯物主义的自然观和历史观的唯一的人。”([1],p. 13) 诚然,确立辩证自然观的工作主要是由恩格斯进行的。马克思早期在进行改造黑格尔的唯心辩证法时,总是同时结合进行着在政治、法律、经济等领域中创立唯物史观的工作。后来,他就主要致力于政治经济学的研究和《资本论》的写作。马克思曾有过撰写专门的辩证法著作的愿望,他在1866年5月9日致约瑟夫·狄慈根的信中说:“一旦我卸下经济负担,
Marx, concentrating his research work on economics, had no systematic writings on the dialectics of nature, but if we lump together all his ideas concerning the dialectics of nature presented in his various works and letters, a comprehensive dialectic outlook on nature will emerge. The doctrine of dialectics of nature is the joint creation of Marx and Engles resulting from their close coorperation, although Engles did the main part of the work. Hence, the viewpoint held by some western scholars that Marx and Engles had contradictory standpoint about dialectics of nature is entirely groundless and inconsistent with the relevant historical facts.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature