The Hexian fauna includes 47 mammalian species. Among them. 30 are modern species, and the others are extinct ones. Among the 17 extinct speeies, there are 4 southern elements, i.e. Tapirus sinensis, Megatapirus, Stegodon orientalis, and Sus cf. hxiaozhu; and 10 northern ones, i.e. Macaca robustus, Tamias cf. wimani, Trogonthe-rium cuvieri, Cricetulus varians, Microtus brandtioides, Felis chinensis, Dicerorhinus, Sus lydekkeri, Pseudaxis grayi and Megaloceros pschyosteus. The northern ones have not been found in the Pleistocene deposits in south China, except Hexian in Anhui; and Yuhang in Zhejiang (such as Microtus brandtioides, Cricetulus), Lishui in Jiangsu (such as Cricetulus) (In the last two localities, Cricetulus may be modern species). It is probable that the Hexian fauna is correlated with a cold stage. i.e. O18 stage 8, at about 240.000-280,000 years B.P. (Xu Qinqi and You Yuzhu, 1984). However, most of the northern species did live in north China not only in cold stages (i.e. in Layers 3-4. 6-7, and 10-11 at Zhoukoudian, Loc. 1), but also in warm stages (i.e. in Layers 5, and 8-9 at Zhoukoudian, Loc. 1) (Xu Qinyi and Ouyang Lian, 1982). Therefore, most of the northern species were able to live in Hexian under the climatic condition similar to that of warm stages at Zhoukoudian (north China).Among the 30 modern species, 18 elements are scattered all over China now, such as Ursus thibetanus, Miotis, Lepus etc. For the others, there are 3 northern animals, i.e. Scaptochirus, Eothenomys inez and Ursus arctos, for they are distributed mainly over north China. There are 3 southwestern mountainous ones, i.e. Blarinella quadra-ticauda, Eothenomys evalcinous and E. proditor, for they occur in the southwestern mountains, at over 1500 metres above sea-level. There are 6 southern ones. i.e. Hip-posideros, Miniopterus schrebersii, Rattus edwardsi, Eothenomys melanogastcr, Anouro-sorex squamipes and Hydrepotes inermis, for they are distributed mainly over south China. However, Miniopterus schrebersii is also scatter
Acta Anthropologica Sinica
Hexian fauna
Glacial activities