本研究是通过对儿童类比推理发展水平的探讨,比较独生与非独生子女在思维这一方面有无差异,并分析儿童类比推理的发展与家庭环境和教育条件的关系。 研究对象是400名3—6岁儿童,分四个年龄组,每年龄组独生与非独生子女各半,或按独生与非独生子女在该年龄中的比例选择一定的数量。 研究结果表明:3—6岁独生与非独生子女,三种类比推理的平均成绩及发展水平,差异都未达到显著性水平。但是同为独生或非独生子女,在不同的家庭教育条件下,类比推理的成绩有显著差异。这说明在多种相互联系的家庭因素中,家庭教育的因素,对儿童智力的发展起着连接的关键性的作用。
This paper compares the thinking processes of the only child and the non-only child through the study of the developmental levels of analogical reasoning of 3 to 6-year-old children, and analyses the development of children’s analogical reasoning in relation to their home environment and schooling.The subjects were 400 3 to 6-year-old children divided into four age groups. In each group, the respective numbers of onlies and non-onlies were either equal or in the ratio of the actual numbers of the two categories in that particular age group.The results show that there is no significant difference between the onlies and children with siblings in mean scores and the developmental level of the three analogical reasoning tests. However, there are obvious differences in the scores of analogical reasoning by children in the same category but with different home education. This indicates that under the combined influence of factors at home, such as the family’s size, income, living standards, cultural life and educational level, home education is the direct and key factor effecting children’s intellectual development.
Acta Psychologica Sinica