本研究用汉字笔划和英文字母组成假设检验模型,以72名中国大学生和72名美国大学生为被试,探索概念形成的过程。 实验结果通过制作文生曲线和直线回归分析发现:概念形成过程的总趋势是一个渐进—突变过程,即先渐进,后突变,无明显高原现象。
The purpose of this study was to explore the general process ofconcept formation. Two groups were tested; one consisted of 72 Chineseand the other, 72 American subjects, totalling 144 in all. Two groups oftest materials were used in the experiment. One was Chinese characterhypothesis testing model, and the other was English hypothesis testingmodel. The results show that the concept formation process is a gradual-mutative process-first, it progresses step by step, then comes to asudden change. No clear phenomenon of plateau.
Acta Psychologica Sinica