During 1963-1972, a large-scale 'International Biology Plan' was led and organized by UNESCO. Quite a few countries and a great number of scientists took part in the plan. The plan accumulated many data about primary biological production in the different regions of the world. But it also costs a great deal of time and money. Therefore, several scientists started to set up various models to calculate the biological productivity and to draw up biological productivity maps. The Miami Model is one of them.The Miami Model consists of two formulas that described a large number of mutual relationships between the real survey value of biological productivity and the local average temperature and average rainfall of different zones on the earth. The two formulas are:where: y1 = Primary biological productivity according to temperature (g/m2/year); y2 = Primary biological productivity according to rainfall (g/m2/year); t = Local annual average temperature (°G); p = Local annual average rainfall (mm); and e = The base of natural logarithm.Finally, according to Liebig's restrictive factor law, the local productivity is either y1 or y2 whichever is smaller. We collected some 600 meteorological data, and culcalated them using Miami Model, and then, drew up' Miami Model Productivity Map (Isogram) in China'.Due to the map, the total primary biological productivity in China is 8.27×109t per year. It is 6.64% of the total world's primary productivity (124.5 X 10't per year). China's per km2 productivity is 861.45t per year which is equal to the world's level. China's per capita productivity is 8.14t per year which is only one-third of world's average (28.55 t per year).
Journal of Natural Resources