In the three general families of this kind of instrument in the world, there are the European dulcimer, Chinese Yangqin and dulcimer in South Asia and West Asia to be their typical representatives. They make the sharp contrast among themselves, as the pitch, tone-position, arrengement and colour are concerned. Judging by their ways of being played, the Chinese Yangqin is used more as a key instrument, taking the action to harmonize the whole orchestra, than a melodic instrument only. The dulcimers in South Asia and West Asia, however, bear a little resemblence to the Chinese Yangqin in usage. Judging by the style of playing, the fundamental sound production pattern of all this kind of instrument is 'Point', it can make a 'Line' when it is played densely and continuously, and it is this 'Line' which leads to set up a glaring example of the Chinese Yangqin's style. The Chinese Yangqin also attaches importance to handling the lingering sounds and some of its skills, for example, sliding, rubbing and wiping, are unique to express the Chinese traditional custums of appreciating beauty. But the European dulcimer still gives the first place to 'Point'. During the time of the latest four decades, the music fabric of the Chinese Yangqin has already turned its singlesound pattern into the multi one, while the European dulcimer continues to remain unchanged. Judging by the style of ornament, the Chinese Yangqin is personalized with its simpleness and plainness, while the European dulcimer still with its complexness and gorgousness.
Chinese Music