孤东油田系新开发的油田工程之一。 位于黄河入海口的滨海地带,自然环境复杂。其中,风暴潮、黄泛和河口蚀退等不利的灾害因素,对油田安全生产的威胁比较突出。在掌握这些灾害因素时空分布规律及其影响程度的基础上,相应地提出了加固油田堤防工程、河口海岸工程等环境保护对策的意见。
The Gudong Oil Field, with an area of 68 km2, is located to the north of the mouth of the Huanghe River. Considered from the viewpoint of geomorphology, it is in a land-sea transitional zone.This land was formed during the past decade by the shifting of the tail channel of the Huanghe River and the deposition of the sediment carried by the river. Since 1976, the Huanghe River has changed its tail channel from the Diaokou Tiver to the Qingshuigully, through which it now empties into the Laizhou Bay.The natural environment of this region is very complicated and there exist a lot of potential disasters in the oil field and the surrounding area, such as stormy tides, the flooding of the Huanghe River, the erosive retreating of the coastline, etc. All these could threaten the security of the oil field. If some of these potential disasters happened simultaneously, it would be extremely dangerous to the oil field.For the safety of the Gudong Oil Field, the author puts forward the following suggestions:1.Reinforcing the dykes by broadening their widths and meanwhile increasing their heights to 6.0 m above sea level in order to protect the oil field from demages caused by exceptional stormy tides and the flooding of the Huanghe River.2.Planting Spartina townsendii (Rice Grass) on the beaches as vastly as possible to reduce wave action, slow down the current speed, and protect the beaches; building a breakwater of 5.5 m high along the high-tide line to protect the coast from erosion.
Journal of Natural Resources
the tail port of the river mouth
storm tide
flooding of the Huonghe River
regression of the river mouth
measures on environment protetion