Background: Appropriate preclinical evaluation of a bioartificial liver assist device (BAL) demands a large animal model, as presented here, that demon- strates many of the clinical features of acute liver failure and that is suitable for clinical qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the BAL. A lethal canine liver failure model of acute hepatic failure that re- moves many of the artifacts evidenced in prior canine models is presented. Methods: Six male hounds, 24-30 kg, under isoflu- rane anesthesia, were administered 1.5 g/kg D- galactosamine intravenously. Canine supportive care followed a well-defined management protocol that was guided by electrolyte and invasive monitoring consisting of arterial pressure, central venous pres- sure, extradural intracranial pressure (ICP), pul- monary artery pressure, and end-tidal CO_2. The animals were treated until death-equivalent, defined as inability to sustain systolic blood pressure>80 mmHg for 20 minutes despite maximal fluids and 20 μg·kg^(-1)·min^(-1) dopamine infusion. Results: The mean survival time was 43.7±4.6 hours (mean±SE). All animals showed evidence of progressive liver failure characterized by increasing liver enzymes (aspartate transaminase from 26 to 5977 IU/L; alanine transaminase from 32 to 9740 IU/L), bilirubin (0.25 to 1.30 mg/dl), ammonia (19. 8 to 85. 3 μmol/L), and coagulopathy (pro- thrombin time from 8.7 to 46 s). Increased lability and elevations in intracranial pressures were ob- served. All animals were refractory to maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure even with only mode- rately elevated intracranial pressure. Severe neuro- logic obtundation, seen in 2 of 6 animals, was associ- ated with elevations of ICP above 50 mmHg. Post- mortem liver histology showed evidence of massive hepatic necrosis. Postmortem blood and ascites mi- crobial growth was consistent with possible transloca- tion of intestinal microbes. Conclusions: The improved lethal canine liver failure model presented here reproduces many of the clinical features o
Background: Appropriate preclinical evaluation of a bioartificial liver assist device (BAL) demands a large animal model, as presented here, that demon- strates many of the clinical features of acute liver failure and that is suitable for clinical qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the BAL. A lethal canine liver failure model of acute hepatic failure that re- moves many of the artifacts evidenced in prior canine models is presented. Methods: Six male hounds, 24-30 kg, under isoflu- rane anesthesia, were administered 1.5 g/kg D- galactosamine intravenously. Canine supportive care followed a well-defined management protocol that was guided by electrolyte and invasive monitoring consisting of arterial pressure, central venous pres- sure, extradural intracranial pressure (ICP), pul- monary artery pressure, and end-tidal CO_2. The animals were treated until death-equivalent, defined as inability to sustain systolic blood pressure>80 mmHg for 20 minutes despite maximal fluids and 20 μg·kg^(-1)·min^(-1) dopamine infusion. Results: The mean survival time was 43.7±4.6 hours (mean±SE). All animals showed evidence of progressive liver failure characterized by increasing liver enzymes (aspartate transaminase from 26 to 5977 IU/L; alanine transaminase from 32 to 9740 IU/L), bilirubin (0.25 to 1.30 mg/dl), ammonia (19. 8 to 85. 3 μmol/L), and coagulopathy (pro- thrombin time from 8.7 to 46 s). Increased lability and elevations in intracranial pressures were ob- served. All animals were refractory to maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure even with only mode- rately elevated intracranial pressure. Severe neuro- logic obtundation, seen in 2 of 6 animals, was associ- ated with elevations of ICP above 50 mmHg. Post- mortem liver histology showed evidence of massive hepatic necrosis. Postmortem blood and ascites mi- crobial growth was consistent with possible transloca- tion of intestinal microbes. Conclusions: The improved lethal canine liver failure model presented here reproduces many of the clinical features o
This study was partially supported by a grant from Excorp Medical, Inc, Oakdale, MN., Steritek J7000 Intracranial Pressure Monitor provided by Ladd Research Industries, Williston, VT., and Datex Capnomac Ultima Anesthesia Monitor provided by Datex, Helsi