BACKGROUND: Severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP) as acommon acute abdomen due to complicated causes is cha-racterized by lots of morbidities, difficult treatment, andhigh mortality. This study was designed to investigate therole of individually staged nutritional support (ISNS) in thetreatment of SAP.METHODS: One hundred patients with SAP admitted toour hospital from January 1997 to October 2002 were ran-domly divided into total parenteral nutrition group (TPNgroup, 50 patients) and individually staged nutrition group(individualized group, 50 patients), between which thetherapeutic outcome and the incidence of complicationswere carefully analyzed.RESULTS: Compared with the TPN group, the individuali-zed group had less complications (62 vs 94 patients) inclu-ding incubation related complications (2% vs 16%), super-infections (8% vs 30%), hepatic functional insufficiency(4% vs 24%) and intra-peritoneal infections (4% vs 12%),in addition to a sooner restoring of oral nutrition (18.5 vs24.8 days, P<0.05), a shorter hospital stay (24.5 vs 30.2days) and a lower hospital cost (4.1 vs 5.8 10 000 yuan, P<0.05).CONCLUSION: ISNS, which provides SAP patients withsufficient energy and nutrients according to their truepathological status, is an ideal nutrition planning with low-ered incidence of complications, shortened hospital stayand lightened financial burden.
BACKGROUND: Severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP) as acommon acute abdomen due to complicated causes is cha-racterized by lots of morbidities, difficult treatment, andhigh mortality. This study was designed to investigate therole of individually staged nutritional support (ISNS) in thetreatment of SAP.METHODS: One hundred patients with SAP admitted toour hospital from January 1997 to October 2002 were ran-domly divided into total parenteral nutrition group (TPNgroup, 50 patients) and individually staged nutrition group(individualized group, 50 patients), between which thetherapeutic outcome and the incidence of complicationswere carefully analyzed.RESULTS: Compared with the TPN group, the individuali-zed group had less complications (62 vs 94 patients) inclu-ding incubation related complications (2% vs 16%), super-infections (8% vs 30%), hepatic functional insufficiency(4% vs 24%) and intra-peritoneal infections (4% vs 12%),in addition to a sooner restoring of oral nutrition (18.5 vs24.8 days, P<0.05), a shorter hospital stay (24.5 vs 30.2days) and a lower hospital cost (4.1 vs 5.8 10 000 yuan, P<0.05).CONCLUSION: ISNS, which provides SAP patients withsufficient energy and nutrients according to their truepathological status, is an ideal nutrition planning with low-ered incidence of complications, shortened hospital stayand lightened financial burden.