Video-capsule endoscopy has revolutionized the examination of small bowel mucosa.However,this modality is relatively young and its diagnostic yield is low.Herein,we discuss different approaches to improve examination's diagnostic yield.There are strong data supporting some of them while there is speculation about the rest.As capsule endoscopy continues to evolve there is also a strong belief that technology will overcome at least some of the obst acles that hamper capsule endoscopy's diagnostic yield sometime in the near future.
Video-capsule endoscopy has revolutionized the examination of small bowel mucosa. However, this modality is relatively young and its diagnostic yield is low. Herein, we discuss different approaches to improve examination’s diagnostic yield. There are strong data supporting some of them while there is speculation about the rest. As capsule endoscopy continues to evolve there is also a strong belief that technology will overcome at least some of the obstacles that hamper capsule endoscopy’s diagnostic yield sometime in the near future.