肺泡表面活性物质相关蛋白(Suefactant Protein, SP)是肺泡表面活性物质(Pulmonary Surfactant, PS)的组成成分,SP-D是组成SP的亲水性蛋白之一,它分布于肺组织和几乎所有器官粘膜表面,在维持肺表面活性物质稳态、宿主的免疫防御和免疫调节方面起着重要作用。肺损伤的病理生理过程与由于SP-D降解增加所导致的宿主防御功能削弱、免疫细胞呑噬功能降低等机制有关。SP-D在ALI的临床治疗方面有着良好的前景。本文从SP-D的结构、功能、以及与肺损伤和治疗的关系等方面进行了综述和分析。
Surfactant protein(SP) is one of components of pulmona ry sur fa ctant(PS), SP-D is hydrophilic protein, which is distributed in the lung tissue and all a lmost mucosa surf ac e. it plays a key role in maintain of pulmonary surfactant homeostasis、lung host defense and immune regulation. SP-D insufficient caused by degrading, weaken host defence and reduce the phagocytosis mechanisms involved in the pathophysiologic process of lung injury. There are great prospects on ALI treatment by SP-D. The structure and function of SP-D and it’s relationship with lung injury have been reviewed in this paper.
Injury Medicine(Electronic Edition)