The Eastward Invasion of the Grusades is an important historical event in
a span of about 200 years from the end of 11 century to the end of 13 century.
It is an aggressive war, though under the banner of a Holy War, in which
Rome Pope ignited and organized west European feudal lords, collaborated with
big merchants, and launched wars on the eastern Mediterranean countries and
regions. What result and impact did it make after all? Western historical scho-
lars tend to give an overestimation to its promoting role in the East-West
economic and cultural exchange owing to their position influenced by national,
re1igious, cultural and historical factors. They often relate the war with all
alterations in west European history, such as the development of trade and
cities, the decline in feudalism, and the renaissance of human reason; they
even hold that the eastern countries had 'gained numerous profitable results'
from this aggressive war. But, in the final analysis,it is not a main cause or
a starting point in then East-West economic and cultural exchange, it had
only a limited impact on it, except inflicting heavy damage upon these cou-
ntries and regions. Any theory of exaggerating its role as an irreplaceable ele-
ment in expansion of East-West exchange is contrary to the historical facts.
West Asia and Africa