This thesis is based on the investigation of 131,511 girls of the Han nationality in different parts of China.Their mean menarcheal age was 13.46 years-13.17 in the urban group and 13.83 in the rural group. Acomparison between the group with menarche and the premenarche group showed that: (1) The development ofphysical build was closely related to menarche. Morphological measurements were much higher after theonset of menarche although the rate of growth became slower; (2) Physiological functions also reached a higherlevel after the onset of menarche; (3) There was no significant difference between the two groups in thedevelopment of most physical qualities. The fact that the group with menarche did not perform so well insit-ups and 80m runs was probably due to the phenomenon of 'pubertal inertia.'
China Sport Science