弗莱格(Gottlob Frege,1845—1925)是现代德国著名的数学家、逻辑学家和哲学家。作为数学家、逻辑学家,弗莱格在这两个领域的研究中做出了许多开拓性的工作,被誉为现代数理逻辑的创始人。波兰哲学家沙夫称他为“伟大的数学家。
This paper introduces Frege's philosophy of language and discusses its contributions to modern linguistics. Frege was a famous philosopher, mathematician and logician in present Ger-many. His philosophy of language may be generalized to the three esseatial principles and thedistinction between sense and reference. The three principles are: (1) to distinguish those thatare logical from those that are psychological, the objective things from the subjective ones;(2) to search for the meaning of a word in a context of proposition; (3) to tell the dif-ference between a concept and the thing it refers. The contribution of this philosophy of lan-guage to the modern linguistics may be illustrated mainly in the following four aspects: (1)It opened up a new field for the study of logic in linguistics; (2) It provided one of the im-portant sources for Chomsky's generative theory; (3) It riched and-leveloped the study of se-mantics; (4) It showed enlightening influence upon the formation of the contemporarytheo of pragmatics.
Modern Foreign Languages