The degree of satisfaction with everyday life, as it is evaluated in this article,
is based on an anlysis of the data gathered in three annual surveys from 1987 to
1990. The surveys were conducted in the three cities of Beijing, Xian, and Yangzhou,
with each sample size of 500-600 persons. The analysis focuses on the degree
of satisfaction in 13 different domains concerning accommodation, environment, job
and family, which help to determine the three levels of living standards. The result
of these surveys shows a high degree of consistency and regularity. The domain which
enjoys the highest degree of satisfaction is the most personanal one of marriage
and family. The overall degree of satisfaction is in proportion to age. The ratio be-
tween education and the degree of satisfaction, however, varies with the regions. The
article ends with a discussion of the relation between life satisfaction and the demo-
graphic factors, and compares it with the conclusion drawn up in the book of The
Quality of American Life.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)