有关唐史典籍中,司法上的三司复杂多变,读书时感到很混乱.三司在不同时期的组成不同,其职能亦有变化;即使在同一时期,有时也有几个不同的三司.本文根据所见史料,考证三司的组成和职能在不同时期的变化,试图从唐代政治史的发展分析其变化的原因,并因此从一个侧面更好地掌握唐代的司法规程. 王宏治同志在《北京大学学报》1988年第四期发表了《唐代司法中的"三司"》一文(以下简称王文),窃以为该文尚有不够明晰之处.尤其唐代制度始终处于变化之中,而王文未从各个不同时期考识其变化.故作此文兼与王宏治同志商榷,冀能对唐代司法三司进行详细的分析.
On the basis of historical materials, this essay makes a textual study of the changes
in the composition and function of 'san si' in Tang Judicature in different periods.
The author tries to find out the reasons for the changes by analysing the develop-
ment of politics in Tang Dynasty, thus mastering the system of Tang Judicature from
just one source. According to the author, the political system of Tang Dynasty was
in a process of change all the time. Therefore, to counter the static analyses by
some scholars, this essay emphasizes the changes in 'san si' in different periods.
Besides, Hu Sanxing's annotations on Zi Zhi Tong Jian (Mirrors of History)
referred to 'san si' many times. On the basis of such original materials as Tang
Hui Yao, this essay corrects several mistakes in Hu's annotations.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)