Writting in 1584, Mendoza included in his descriptions of China a 'Ge-nealoge of the Kings of China' which dated the first Chinese monarch at2550 or 2600 B.C.-long before the biblical date for the universal flood. Tri-gault, Semedo and Martini confirmed Mendoza's argument with more detailsin their respective works. It generated a big confusion among Europeansand debates, evolved about the accuracy of China's ancient annals and therelationship to the traditional and biblically-based conception of mankind'searliest history. During more than a century, European scholars have had astormy controversy which ended by a general acceptance of the credibility ofChinese chronology in spite of some detailed dates. As one consequence,China was included in the great majority of eighteenth-century universalhistories written by European historians. The result of such a controversycontributed to the widening of European's horizons and the redefinition of thecontent of world history.
World History