The monographeson the birthplace of the Kizil rhombushaped paintings, from 1987 on, have been constantly published. In general, they contain three opinions, outside, locality and both outside and locality. The author thinks that the origin of the rhombus-shaped paintring of the Kizil Grottoes was from the Buddhist scriptures particularly from the form of the world discribed in Buddhist scriptures. The unique artistic form of painting was created to express the subject of 'Nine Mountains Eigt Seas'.The original scene of the rhombus-shaped paintings symbolized the papillar form of the mountain peak and we can find the basis from Buddhist scriptures. This paper will try to identify a connected Link between the papillar form and the rhombus-shaped painting, judying from the decorative pattern paintd in caves 14, 38,104 and 205 of the Kizil Grottoes. In addition, another subject represented in the rhombus-shaped painting is 'Qi Xiang Hai' (seven fragrant seas) It is fully expressed in the murals in caves 14, 7, 13, 38 and 175 of the Kizil Grattoes.
Dunhuang Research