The secondary excavation of the Xixiahou Site in Shandong Province was conducted in the autumn of 1963. This time, a total area of 325 square meters was opened up, and one pottery making kiln and 21 tombs of tha Dawenkou culture and seven ash-pits of the Longshan culture were discovered.Concerning the relationship between the Dawenkou culture and the Longshan culture,it wa s found that ash-pit H-9 of the Longshaii culture intruded into tomb M-13 of the Dawenkou culture and that three ash-pits, H-8, H-9, H-11, of the Longshan culture into deposits of the Dawenkou culture. It is the first times since the early 1960s that the Dawenkou culture was proved to be earlier than the Longshan culture stratigraphically.The remains of the Xixiahon Site are mainly of the Dawenkou culture. There are quite a large number of burial data. Among the 21 tombs excavated this time, 10 are tombs of children, and most of the dead are covered with potsherds over the face and on the body, a phenomenon never observed in tombs of adults of this culture. It shows that there was a difference between the burial custom for the adult and that for the child in this culture.During the first and second excavations, 21 tombs of adults were discovered in two strata. The pottery objects of the lower stratum are different to a certain degree from those of the upper one both in kind and in form, showing clearly that they belong to two periods. They thus provide a stratigraphical evidence for the periodization of the Dawenkou culture.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica