一 在当前关于汉字前途的讨论中,提出的问题大致可以分为两类:1.汉字同教育、科技、文化乃至整个社会的发展之间的关系;2.作为一种文字系统,汉字所特有的性质、发展演变规律及其同汉语的内在联系。对这些问题所作的回答,反映了在是否要改革或废除汉字,如何改革汉字等问题上的不同主张。
Current discussion on the future of the Chinese writing system has aroused considerable interest. Earlierproposals to abandon Chinese characters in favor of alphabetical writing were motivated by the belief thatthe latter is far more machine-manageable and most conducive to technological efficiency. In the currentdiscussion, however, the emphasis begins to be shifted to further investigating the nature of the Chinesewriting system, its evolution and its benefits to the Chinese language. The once unquestioned belief thatalphabetical writing will eventually take the place of ideographic characters is no longer unquestioninglyheld and indeed is found to be theoretically naive.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research