本次修订是以美国Alfred.W.Munzert 在1977年编制的自我智力测验为蓝本进行的.原编者认为这个测验的智商(IQ)分数报告了被试思维、推理和解决问题能力方面的重要结果.论文报告了量表修订的全过程以及对量表基本特征(测题难度和鉴别力、信度、效度)的鉴定.从结果来看,修订后的量表是个较好的适用于9岁至17岁学龄儿童使用的团体智力筛选测验量表.本论文最后提供了从1521名被试中获得的常模换算表.
This revision is based upon a selfintelligence test compiled by Alfred W.Munzert in 1977.The original compilerregarded the IQ score of this test as ameans to report important results aboutsubjects'ability in thinking,reasoningand problem solving.This thesis reports the whole pro-cess of the scale and evaluation of thebasic characteristics of the scale(difficulty,discrimination,reliabilityand validity).The results show that therevision scale well fits the screeningtesting of group intelligence in nine-to-seventeen-year-olds.At the end of thethe sis is a table of scaled IQ scoreequivalents of raw scores drawn from1,521 respondents of nine age groups.