

New Trends Of International Disarmament and Armscontrol
摘要 苏联解体后,两极抗争结束,国际裁军和军控进程出现新的动向。一方面爆发世界大战的危险比二战以来任何时候都小;另一方面欧亚结合部和非洲出现许多新热点,局部冲突加剧;美国等西方大国乘机出售武器,客观上刺激了地区国家的扩军势头。这两种同步发展的趋势,将给世界和平与发展带来复杂的影响。 With the end of the bipolar confrontation, major powers, one after another, began readjusting their own strategies, which, therefore, have led to new developments in international disarmament and armscontrol process.The US and Russia have coordinated to speed up nuclear reduction and reached an agreement which allows only 3000-3500 strategic nuclear warheads as a whole for each after stage-by-stage reducing process. Coordination and tough talks by big powers have also produced a convention draft of internationall prohibition of use of biological and chemical weapons, and a new agreement on force ceiling in coventional armed forces talks in Europe. All these new developments are favorable to international military detente. However, the US and Russia remains two superpowers in terms of nuclear capacity. The US intends to dismantle Russian of its threat to the former through nuclear reduction and newly-developed high-tech weapons, therefore ensuring the military superpower status of the US.In the pose-bipolar world,new nationalism is emerging. In the regions as Eastern Europe and Midde East, regional conflicts are rising one after another. And a number of countries began expanding their military forces out of their own security concerns. On one hand the US becomes the No. 1 arms dealer in the world, on the other it initiates to push international coordination in curbing nuclear proliferation, MTCR, and preventing the overseas US interests from being impaired. It is requested in international community that both the US and Russia, the US in particular, take further initiatives to promote both nuclear and conventiohal arms reduction.
作者 周纪荣 彭艳
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第6期27-31,36+64-65,共8页
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