Human Library将人以图书的方式进行借阅,提倡通过对话,减少偏见,促进容忍与理解,以有利于社会和谐。Human Library作为一种全新的读者服务方式在世界各地迅速开展起来。网络在满足人们的信息需求的同时,也减少了人与人面对面的交流,拉大了人与人之间的心理距离。Human Library在促进社会和谐的同时,以其特有的同辈教育方式引起大学生的强烈共鸣,成为我国大学图书馆大学生教育与服务创新的有效途径。
The Human Library is an innovative method designed to promote dialogue,reduce prejudices and encourage understanding.The main characteristics of the project are to be found in its simplicity and positive approach.Persons are borrowed as books in Human Library action which has been developed quickly in libraries of the world up to now.Internet is making the distance larger between personshearts than before while it is satisfying the readersinformation requirements.The special way of teaching each other at the same age makes the students of university be interested in the action of Human Library strongly,Human Library becomes the useful way in university library education and service innovation to the students.