That thorough cooking of pork will destroy all cysticerci of Taenia solium is an establi- shed fact; however, data concerning the exact tomperature and time required to kill this lar- val parasite are not in good agreement. The object of the present study is to obtain specific information on the time and temperature relations which are lethal to this parasite. A series of experiments was carried out to detemine the thermal death point of the pork cysticerci by gradually exposing them to various temperatures; they were then tested for vi- ability by the following criteria: (1) the ability of cysticerci to evaginate in warm bile solu- tion, and (2) the activity of the flame cells. The cysticerci used in the experiments were obtained from the seventeen naturally infected pigs supplied by the Tsingtao Slaughter House. The interval between the slaughter of the animals and the tests ranged from 5 to 36 hours. All cysticerci before using were tested for viability, and 3-13 cysticerci from each lot served as controls. The results showed that the decapsulated cysticerci heated at 51℃ for ten minutes, and 54℃ for one minute were killed, as shown by the viability tests in which they did not ev- aginate in bile solution and the flame cells did not show any activity. The cysticerci could survive at 48℃ for fifteen minutes. In order to test the viability of the cysticerci encapsulated in the meat, pieces of muscle tissue varying from 22. 5-36. 5 grams were tested. The results indicated that when heated at 54℃ for five minutes all cysticerci recovered from the muscle were killed. Cysticerci in 140-gram flesh would need ten minutes heating at boiling tempe- rature to kill them.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)