The sites of San Li Tien lie in the Shih River basin to the south of Hsinyang in southern
Honan. Within an area of two square kilometers are several earthern mounds of different size.
Most of these mounds have an ash layer of 1--4 meter in pedth which contain
great quantities of potsherds, stone implements and other sort of remains. Some of these ash
layers have, however, been disturbed by the tombs of Han dynasty.
In the spring of 1953, the Archaeological Team of the Bureau of Culture, Honan province
dug five trial trenches on two of these mounds and cleared up seventeen storage pits in this area.
They found that each of these two mounds consisted of two distinctively seperate layers.
Besides the flat-legged and pointed-legged pottery 'li''s which were the most common find,
the upper layer of Pao Chia Shah also yielded a considerable number of 'tou' type vessels. Judg-
ing on the basis of the shapes of 'kuei', 'hsien' 'p'en' and others, this layer was artributed to
Western Chou.
The upper layer of Pei Chiu contained mainly potsherds with cord impression, with the shapes
of 'kuan' (jug) and 'ting' constituting the majority. They bore a close resemblance to those
excavated from the early Shang site at Pai Chia Chuang, Chengchou (Honan). The red coarse
pear-shaped vases were also similar to those excavated from the early Shang site at Lo Ta Miao of
Chengchou. On the other hand, the type of the cord impressions on their surface suggested a close
affinity with Lungshan culture. Accordingly, this layer was attributed to either early Shang
or late Lungshan culture.
Potsherds of polished black pottery, some with very thin paste, constituted the bulk of the
find from the lower layer of Pao Chia Shan. Their shapes included bowl, 'tou', 'p'en' 'ting' etc.
as well as 'tou''s with perforated high stem and a large number of 'tongue-shaped' legs of 'ting'.
They all pointed to an affinity with Lungshan culture, but without yielding any p
Acta Archaeologica Sinica