Cross-linguistically, there are three grammatical devices to process the question mark[+Wh]: the reduplication of certain elements in the predicate, Subject-AuxiliaryInversion, and the use of question particles. The Chinese order from this universalmenu is reduplication' or 'utilization of question particles' but not both. In this modeof formulation, this paper reexamines the formal properties of those so-called' SyntacticPatterns of Interrogative' in Chinese and argues that there are no such things as 'SyntacticPatterns of Interrogative' with independent status in a formal theory of grammar, whatpreviously cIaimed to be' Syntactic Patterns of Interrogative' and their properties aredecomposed, reanalysed and shown to be resulting from the interaction and/or instancia-tion of the question devices, focus devices and a number of lexical properties in Chineselanguage.
Studies in Language and Linguistics