(一) 1820年,美国移民局记载了第一批抵美的华人。从此,中国学生、商人,特别是劳工源源抵达美国,直至1882年美国国会通过排华法令限制中国劳工,移美浪潮骤减。 中国移民妇女,虽然在人数上大大少于中国男性移民,也在同时期抵达新大陆。1834年,有史可载的第一名中国妇女梅阿芳(Afong Moy),抵达纽约。随后,其他中国妇女也陆续到达美国。
This article traces the history of Chinese women in America over a century and a half, and reviews the popular culture and scholarly literature on American women of Chinese origin. This historiography had gone through three periods. In the first, from the late nineteenth century to the 1960s, their experiences were totally neglected. During the second period, from the 1960s to the 1970s, historians began to consider Chinese American women' s experiences as part of Chinese Americans' history. In the 1980s and 1990s, scholars have started to develop independent works on Chinese American women.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies