In the development of modern American linguistic theory, the debate between generative semantics and Chomsky′s interpretive semantics played a significant role. It ended with the former′s failure. Some linguists claimed that this was mainly because the former had been falsified empirically in the debate. Others disagree with this 'standard theory'. Huck and Goldsmith′s Ideology and Linguistic Theory(1995) is the latest attempt to give what they call a 'revisionist' account of the debate.Huck and Goldsmith ( H&G hereafter ) begin with the observation that some of the 'standard generative semantics analysis' have reappeared and have been accepted in contemporary syntax literature. From this observation, they ask whether generative semantics was in fact falsified empirically; if not, why did they lose the debate. Their discussions are conducted in 3 parts. Firstly, with a paradigm of investigation adopted from Lakatos (1970), H&G show that the biggest gap in theoretic paradigms between the two sides originates in the two basic research orientations they each represent, namely, the mediational and distributional orientations. The result is a great difference in orientation and core propositions, which make communication and understanding between them difficult. With this basic point of view, H&G move on to investigate the theoretical strategies employed in the debate. In their examination of three selected cases, H&G mean to show how the rhetorical styles employed by each side affected the way those scientific theories communicated. They conclude 'real issues were in fact raised in these exchanges, but were obscured as each side proved unwilling to engage with the other on exactly the other′s terms' (page 77). Lastly, H&G briefly discuss why generative semantics failed. They reject the 'ideologically colored' 'standard story', and take the failure mainly as a social event which can be accounted for from factors such as the insufficient organization of the theory and lacks of a longterm base for theory c
Modern Foreign Languages
generative semantics, interpretive semantics, autonomy of syntax, linguistic theory