18世纪末 ,法兰西遽然发生政治性巨变。究竟为什么 ?有关的论著多将研究重点置于那个世纪 ,特别是绝对君主制临近解体的路易十五和路易十六的朝代。本文则试图在宏观上粗略地考察法兰西的“长时段”社会 ,回顾三个等级千余年间的形成和演进 ,评述它们之间的矛盾和斗争 ,以探讨爆发
At the end of the eighteenth century, great changes in politics suddenly took place in France. What caused the occurrence? Most works on this topic concentrate on the history of the century, especially the reigns of Louis XV & Louis XVI, in which the absolute monarchy would soon disintegrate. In order to study the causes of the great revolution in 1789, both immediately before the French Revolution and to a longer period, this article intends to observe sketchily a “ longue duree ” French society in a macro way, recall the formation and progress of the three social classes in the period of over 1000 years, and comment on the contradictions and struggles between them.
Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)