In the late Period of the Ming, Baojuan transmitted into Gansu with religions. The author of thepaper finds a block - printed edition of Baojuan which was Published in Zhangye area in 1698. Itshows that Xuanjuan and Baojuan all existed in Heal area in the late period of Kangxi of the QingDynasty,and they are the same with inland Xuanjuan and Baojuan in the propagating way andsinging form. The Origin of Heal Baojuan had not direct relations with Dunhuang Bienwen. But theywere the similar to Sujiang of the Tang Dynasrty in the singing form and rites. From the religiousBaojuan to folk Baojuan, Hexi Baojuan and Chinese Baojuan had the same coures of the developmentand Hen Baojuan, demonstrated the great features of local culture.
Dunhuang Research