本文认为:冷战结束后,美国试图建立它领导的世界秩序,科索沃危机是美国推行其领导世界秩序的又一试验场;通过科索沃危机可以看到,美国谋求世界领导权志在必得,并企图降低联合国在世界事务中的作用,将北约作为其发挥》世界警察" 作用的主要工具;由于世界大多数国家的反对,包括美国盟国的制约和美国实力下降等原因。
After the Cold War, the United States attempted to set up a world order with herself taking the lead. The Kosovo crisis is but another experiment for establishing that order. Enough evidence is shown in Kosovo crisis that the US is determined to become leader of the world. She intends to reduce the role of United Nations in international affairs, and means to use NATO to function as “international police' instead. However, the American world order can hardly be actualized. Several reasons account for its inevitable failure. Among these are: objection from the majority of countries, the restraints laid by her allies, and the decrease of her own power.
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